Speakers (plenary and invited) and symposia organizers

  1. 1. M. Bär. Physikalisch-Technisches Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin

  2. 2. K. Bassler. Department of Physics, University of Houston

  3. 3. E. Bodenschatz. Department of Hydrodynamics, Pattern Formation and Nanocomplexity, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen

  4. 4. S. Bornholdt. Department of Physics, University of Bremen

  5. 5. H. Chate. Service de Physique de l'Etat Condense, CEA, France

  6. 6.M. Dahlem, Department of Physics, Technical University of Berlin

  7. 7.B. Echebarria, Department of Applied Physics, Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Barcelona

  8. 8. M. Eigen. Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen

  9. 9. H. Engel. Department of Physics, Technical University of Berlin

  10. 10. I. Epstein. Department of Chemistry, Brandeis University, USA

  11. 11. G. Ertl. Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin

  12. 12. M. Falcke. Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin

  13. 13. B. Fiedler. Department of Mathematics, Free University of Berlin

  14. 14. P. Gaspard. Department of Physics, Universite Libre de Bruxelles

  15. 15. D. Gillespie. Dan T. Gillespie Consulting, USA

  16. 16. L. Grill. Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin

  17. 17. S. Grill. Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Chemical Systems and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden

  18. 18. Th. Gross. Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Chemical Systems, Dresden

  19. 19. M. Hauser. Department of Physics, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg

  20. 20. J. L. Hudson. Department of Chemical Engineering, Viginia University, Charlottesville, USA

  21. 21. K. Kaneko. Department of Basic Science and Research Center for Complex Systems Biology, University of Tokyo

  22. 22. R. Kapral. Department of Chemistry, Toronto University

  23. 23. Y. Kevrekidis. Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University

  24. 24. I. Z. Kiss. Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University, USA

  25. 25. K. Krischer. Department of Physics, Technical University of München

  26. 26.K. Kruse. Department of Physics, University of Saarland, Germany

  27. 27.J. Kurths. Department of Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin

  28. 28. A. Libchaber, Rockfeller University

  29. 29. T. Linderoth. Department of Physics, University of Aarhus, Denmark

  30. 30.K. Lindenberg. Department of Chemistry, University of California at San Diego

  31. 31.S. Luther, Department of Hydrodynamics, Pattern Formation and Nanocomplexity, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen

  32. 32. S. C. Manrubia. Center for Astrobiology (INTA-CSIC), Madrid

  33. 33. G. Meyer. IBM Research Laboratory, Zürich

  34. 34. A. Mochizuki. RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan

  35. 35. Y. Nishiura. Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo

  36. 36. T. Ohta. Department of Physics, Kyoto University

  37. 37. Q. Ouyang. Department of Physics and Center for Theoretical Biology, Peking University, Beijing

  38. 38. H.H. Rotermund. Department of Physics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

  39. 39. S. Sawai. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo

  40. 40. L. Schimansky-Geier. Department of Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin

  41. 41. E. Schöll. Department of Physics, Technical University of Berlin

  42. 42. G. Seiden. Weizmann Institute, Israel

  43. 43. A. Sen. Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University

  44. 44. T. Shibata. RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan

  45. 45. K. Showalter. Department of Chemistry, West Virginia University, USA

  46. 46. I. Sokolov. Department of Physics, Humboldt University of Berlin

  47. 47. H. Stark. Department of Physics, Technical University of Berlin

  48. 48. O. Steinbock. Department of Chemistry, Florida State University

  49. 49. T. Sugawara. Research Center for Complex Systems Biology, University of Tokyo

  50. 50. K. Sundmacher. Department of Physical and Chemical Process Engineering, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technological Systems, Magdeburg

  51. 51. A. Taylor. School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK

  52. 52. T. Yanagida. Graduate School of Frontier Bioscience, Osaka University

  53. 53. R. Yoshida. Department of Materials Engineering, University of Tokyo